Nothing is in your way
If there’s one thing I know for certain, one thing I have zero doubt in, one thing that is an absolute fact, its this: There is nothing standing in the way of what YOU WANT. You have the ability to manifest whatever you desire in your life.
It’s not you, its just that you haven’t been taught the powerful
way to use visuals to manifest the things you want. You know… the new luxury SUV, the high paying career
of your dreams, that pair of red bottoms you’ve been eyeballing,
that sexy spouse worthy of your time … all of it.
Getting your focus in check so you
can finally live the life you’ve been
dreaming of all along.
“But LaShell, I just can’t believe a vision
board is going to change my life.”
Here’s the thing: You don’t even have to
believe it. You just have to allow yourself to
see it. And my masterclass is the way to
open your eyes to the possibilities.
Why, you ask?
Because as much as you want to be, and you think you need to be,
you are not in control of how you get things in life.
The Universe is.
“Okay, LaShell…so do I just sit back and let it happen?” Not exactly.
What you need to do is clear the way so the Universe can take over.
A well-crafted vision board keeps you right on track. It is the tool you need to keep what you want in focus so the Universe can get you there. This is the masterclass that’s going to teach you how to do more than simply “paste photos on a board.” It’s going to teach you how to craft your vision with clarity so the Universe can provide what you ask for.
I’m opening the windows to my world! I have never gone into this much detail before about vision and vision boards before. This is as close to La Shell’s high frequency energy as you can get.
Are you letting other people’s view and opinions dictate your possibilities? Remove all doubts and the life you desire and release your fears of saying it out loud. Joyful experiences are your birthright.
Vision boards are worth your time and they actually make ALL your time worth spending. Find your vision, trust it, expect it.
I had absolutely no idea what to expect but I never thought I would receive such life-altering, prophetic information; that has literally shifted some of the avenues in my life since then.
La Shell lives what she teaches simply because she lives an extraordinary, authentic life. Her self-love is the foundation of her gift to others which is her advice, presence, and Love.
All I can say is that this workshop truly shifted my perspective. I no longer feel convicted to jump in and take over where faith and the Universe should lead the way.